Link Shortener Tracking

Easily Manage and Track Web Links and Clicks

Your website traffic is already tracked when you setup the ActiveDEMAND tracking code or WordPress plugin, but what about clicks to properties you don’t own like social, clicks to videos, or clicks to other 3rd party websites? ActiveDEMAND’s URL shortener takes a regular website link, allows you to encode it with source/medium/etc, and importantly allows you to use it in a campaign with other channels.

This makes it much easier to track print and social alongside digital ads in a single campaign report. And you can encode the link at the same time with utm_source, medium, etc, so that Google Analytics recognizes it as well!

Simplify your QR codes

QR codes can be a creative way of getting users from print to online via their mobile phone, but QR codes are easier to scan if they have less information embedded in them. Shortening a tracking URL greatly reduces the complexity of the QR code, making it faster and more reliable to scan, even on a phone with a potato-quality camera. You can choose between shortening the link and using your/your client's domain, or by using our super-short domain.

The two QR codes shown are for the same link.

  • Shortened:
  • Shortened and branded:
  • Unshortened:

Track Social

Social posts, emails, and text messages that are posted from within ActiveDEMAND get their links encoded automatically, but what if you want to send a link to someone via Messenger? What if you want to spin up a bunch of tracked links that your employees can share as part of a contest to see who can raise the most awareness? You can easily add tracked links in ActiveDEMAND in a few spots.

  • If you're just building a link to send to 1 prospect, create it as a Personal URL (PURL) from their contact screen
  • If you're building multiple links that you'll share out on social, in print, or other hard to track sources, create them from the campaign assets screen so they all track back to the same campaign
  • If you just need 1 link for a singular use, create it in the "Trackable Links" area

Case Study



5-star   Reviews by G2 Crowd

"ActiveDEMAND allows us to deliver very specific marketing messages to our customers and easily measure their response. This enables us to tailor our messaging based on real data. All of this without breaking stride in delivering serve to our customers."

Ryan Plester, Administrator, WRA