Are Your Digital Ads Effective? Get Better Attribution to Prove Performance
Digital advertising is effective and comes along with more metrics than you can shake a stick at. But getting proper attribution is not as easy as they sell it on each ad platform.
Learn how to get better attribution that will prove that marketing is driving sales and revenue performance.
You will learn:
- How to choose your ‘must have’ attribution channels
- How to quickly get call tracking deployed
- Which performs better? “Contact us” or “Book an Appointment”
- Measuring the Conversion on live chat, webinar sign-ups, and more.
- Conversions by keyword
- and more.
How to Adopt Marketing Automation as an Agency
So as an agency where do you begin? How do you implement a digital marketing agency solution? We have a white paper and it outlines:
- What marketing automation brings to the table
- How to deploy it first for your agency
- Options on billing clients for marketing automation
- New service lanes that you can add through the use of this technology