Building Your Client’s Site’s Story
Data-driven marketing provides a wealth of data about prospects – who they are, where on the Web they are coming from and what they are looking for. Personalization tools allow marketers to not only personalize who the prospect is, but contextualize what they are looking for – think about it like this: If a visitor arrives on your client’s site from a partner page or a particular section of, say, a review site, personalization can reinforce that topic via dynamic personalization pages, headers, sidebars and more.
Essentially, what we’re talking about here is building the “story” of a site based on a topic a visitor has chosen.
Today’s corporate clients are tech-savvy professionals looking for solution providers. They seek a personalized message – one that not only resonates with them and piques their interest, but that moves them towards a request. Most importantly though, they want to know the how and why of your marketing solution. You, as a modern-day marketer, must develop strategies to push past the all-to-common and outdated solutions of the past, often inundated with overused buzzwords and vague or complicated descriptions. Focusing less on your service’s specifications, features and operating parameters will allow you to provide to your clients what they really want – positive outcomes that are a result of using your service.
You see, personalizing your marketing is essential so that high-level managers, designers and other key decision makers are made fully aware of how your agency and its services can remove any concerns. Some of the strongest and most widely-recognized companies increase awareness simply by telling stories – about their service, their product, insight abilities or anything that has helped their customers. This is evident by Google’s own storytelling strategies….those which outline how online publishers and businesses are able to reach their audience through solutions like Google AdWords.
An agency like yours can use those same story-telling techniques to build a connection with your audience, allowing the ideas for those stories to come from the real-time data provided by clients. The power of real-time data isn’t just about knowing what digital strategies work best; generating individualized focused content and taking advantage of storytelling is what generates renewed interest and new business.
Using metrics and analytics, a marketing agency should be able to leverage the information clients possess to create a personalized message all businesses’ customers will respond to.