The Autoresponder Message: Your Express Ticket to Email Marketing Success

Autoresponders help you create great relationships

An autoresponder message plays an important role in the success of an email marketing campaign by giving you the ability to automate all of your email processes. An autoresponder message is that automated capability that works within the parameters you set when launching a campaign. Things like what the message within the body of the email should hold… Who to send it to… What time it should be sent and what it should look like.

Let’s start from the beginning.

A prospect visited your website or landing page and left behind their information. Either they wanted to attend a webinar, sign up for your newsletter, download a white paper, or they wanted to receive other assets from you. Once they have submitted their information, many marketers send a ‘thank you’ email as part of a courteous gesture (also having to do with permission marketing.) An autoresponder allows the email to be sent automatically. No work on your part. The email comes with images, links and other offers. Now you’ve entered into a relationship with your prospect.

Branding and personalization

The main elements of creating an effective email campaign are branding and personalization. Effective autoresponder messages come with a lot of features that permit marketers to make the messages as personal as possible. From personalized names, to branding, you can create an email exactly how you want it in order for it to match with your overall brand and message.

The easiest way to design an email campaign is through pre-configured emails. Drag-and-drop tools make it possible to put words and images exactly where you want them. You can adjust the layout and content to your heart’s content. Staying true to your brand identity is key in order to stay top-of-mind with customers and pre-configured templates do just that.

Ensuring deliverability

There’s nothing more dreadful than our emails ending up in the spam folder. Autoresponders work to combat this problem. An autoresponder is the perfect way to land directly in your recipient’s inbox. Email deliverability best practices include: getting permission (sending that thank you email), paying attention to email volume, lowering bounce rates by cleaning your list from non-existent or unknown addresses.

Making things easier

Autoresponders make email campaigns easy and organized. Incorporating an autoresponder into your website is simple – so is setting up a message. The right autoresponder is simple to execute and comes ready-to-go.

At the end of the day, an autoresponder is that method that’s used if you want your brand to really stay true to your positioning. By organizing newsletters, offers, and any other reason for sending out your message, with autoresponders you can track click-through rates and open rates and keep your entire email marketing campaign organized.

Creating great relationships is what you want to achieve, and you want to do it while staying true to your brand. Autoresponder messages can get you there.